DaDane of DaWeek

 Created: 06/08/09


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— Filter Fun —

June 8, 2009 – I've been fooling around with a number of new Photoshop plug-in filters that I've recently acquired. These plug-ins are pretty powerful — they allow the user to create infinite variations of a single image by manipulating multiple parameters. I thought it might be fun to use a photograph from the 2007 National, reduce the scale to web size, and then try out different filters. It's just a "down and dirty" exercise, but some of you might enjoy seeing the result:

Original Topaz Adjust
Topaz Adjust
Original Lucis Pro 6
Lucis Pro
Original Nik Sharpener
Nik Sharpener Pro
Original Topaz Clean 2
Topaz Clean
Original Nik Viveza
Nik Viveza
Original Nik CEP Tonal Contrast
Nik CEP - Tonal Contrast
Original Nik CEP - Darken/Lighten Center
Nik CEP - Darken/Lighten Center

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Columbia, SC 29250   
(803) 783-3169   

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