Our Copyright Policy

This web site was created by, and is owned and operated by,
Ginnie Saunders of Ginnie.com, Inc. All content included on the
site, such as photographs, digital illustrations, images, and text
[ "Content" ] is copyrighted by Ginnie Saunders and is
protected under the Federal Copyright Act, pursuant to 17 U.S.C.
to 17 U.S.C. §501(a), it is an infringement to make an
unauthorized reproduction of this Web site's Content. The Copyright
Act provides for damages and penalties for copyright infringement,
including statutory damages ranging from $750.00 to $150,000.00
per *each* infringement plus attorney fees
and costs. |
Respect the
Rights of Others

Please respect my copyrights by only viewing the content
of this web site on your personal computer in its live published
form. Altering, printing, copying, distributing or any other use
of the visual components or written material on this site is strictly
prohibited. You must obtain written permission if you wish to reproduce,
republish, distribute or publicly display or use the Content for
any purpose, including and especially use
on another web site. None of the Content contained within my web
site is to be archived or displayed within a collection, online
or offline, without my express written permission.

For more
information about Copyrights, please visit:
Why so Strict?

This web site is a labor of love love for the Great Dane breed
and love of the creative process. I thoroughly enjoy creating images,
writing stories, building web pages and putting it all online for
the enjoyment of others.

Unfortunately my work is being pirated with increasing frequency.
Unauthorized content from this web site has been used by puppy millers,
back yard breeders, pet sitting services and others to promote their
own interests. One person in particular has taken several of my illustrations,
removed my copyright notices and replaced them with her own. She has
packaged these works as part of a collection that she is freely distributing
from her web site and she is claiming authorship. Dealing
with such infringements is time consuming and costly. Due to the escalating
misuse of my work, it's become necessary to register every image on
this web site with the US Library of Congress Copyright Office. Formal
registration expands copyright protection and allows the full weight
of the law to be brought against those found guilty of infringement.

I wish it wasn't necessary to regulate my work so strictly, but the
actions of others leave me no alternative. I hope you understand.
©2002-2008 by
Ginnie Saunders. All rights are reserved. No part of this web
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by
any information storage or retrieval system without written
permission from Ginnie
Saunders. To learn more about copyright issues on the
web, visit the Web Law
Ginnie.com, Inc.
PO Box 50314
Columbia, SC 29250
(803) 254-2383
