DaDane of DaWeek

 Created: 02/24/03


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Portrait of Krueger

February 24, 2003 – Because I was out of town – visiting Ingrid Dohler, in Taos, New Mexico –  last week's DaDane was completed in two installments. After my mid-week return, I updated the site with a photo gallery of Ingrid's 65th birthday party, which was loads of fun. I also identified (and talked about) the beautiful "grand dam," Electra, whose Great Dane portrait was featured all week long. If you tuned in early last week, you probably missed these late additions, so please take a look.

This week's portrait features Ingrid Dohler's 2-year-old fawn, Krueger. Although he looks rather dignified and serious in his DaDane portrait, we all know looks can deceive. Krueger is a lot of fun and he is definitely a "type-A" dog – he's friendly, spirited, inquisitive, enthusiastic, intelligent and strong-willed. In fact, if Krueger lived at my house, he'd probably be calling all the shots. (He wouldn't even need a whistle to keep us in line!) Unfortunately for Krueger, his mistress is a very capable Commander-in-Chief. As determined as Krueger may be to get his way, Ingrid is even more determined to make sure he follows her House Rules. Watching the two of them match wills can be pretty entertaining, but Ingrid ALWAYS has the final say. You can see more of Krueger in action at Ingrid's website.

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