Welcome to the Great Dane Links Directory!
You'll find over 1000 links here. The Directory is divided into
10 categories:
Great Dane has ARTHRITIS.
Does yours?

We tried various brands of "glucosamine with chondriotin" pills on our elderly
Great Dane, Merlin, and he didn't get the relief we were looking for – until we
switched to a special LIQUID formulation.
I highly recommend a liquid
glucosamine with chondroitin formula to anyone
whose dog is suffering from arthritis or hip dysplasia. Liquid
formulations offer a much faster and more efficient absorption rate compared
to pills.

Merlin, who recently celebrated his 10th birthday, is feeling much better now,
and I'm completely sold on the
product! — Ginnie
Click here to learn more |
Great Dane & Canine Health Links
From A to Z, this page has hundreds of links to serious canine
diseases and disorders. (Arthritis, bloat, cardiomyopathy, hip
displasia, Lyme, lymphoma, osteosarcoma, pyometria, thyroid, Wobblers
syndrome, and von Willebrand's, just to name a few.)

- Great
Dane Breeders: North American Listing
Looking for a puppy? A comprehensive list of websites belonging
to Great Dane breeders in the United States and Canada. Links
to over 100 breeders. Sorted by state and province.

- Great
Dane Breeders: International Listing
From Argentina to Thailand, this pages takes you to Great Dane
breeders around the world. Listed by country.

- Great
Dane Welfare Issues
Geared towards Great Danes and other large breed dogs, this directory
page offers sections on breeding, genetics, diet, puppies, training,
useful publications, and more.

- Miscellaneous
Canine Links
This section covers more generalized canine resources on the
web. The best large canine "portal" sites are listed,
along with sites about alternative medicine, animal rights, pet
canine recreation activities, separation anxiety, travel, etc.

- Great
Dane Rescue Organizations
If you are considering adopting a "rescue" Dane, or
if you need to place an abandoned Dane, this page offers links
to North American rescue organizatons.

- Great
Dane Clubs
An international listing of Great Dane clubs and organizations.

- Show
Links to web pages featuring "professional" Great Danes
that compete in the show ring.

While they may not appear in the show ring, many Great Danes have
their own web pages. Recent statistics indicate that more Great
Danes have an online presence than do their owners. (Woof!)

- Canine
Humor, Entertainment & Shopping
When you are looking for Great Dane or canine merchandise, or
if you just want a few laughs, this page offers links to some
of the better sites.
Note: Bloat (Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus)
is a serious and often fatal condition affecting Great Danes. Great
Danes run 40 times the risk of bloat compared to mixed-breed dogs.
They have the highest bloat incidence of all dog breeds. As a Dane
owner, you should learn all you can about this life-threatening
condition. Please visit our Bloat Links
page for a list of links to bloat-related websites.
If you would
like to submit a website to the Great Dane Links Directory, please
send the site's web address along with a brief description to ginnie@ginnie.com.
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by Ginnie Saunders. All rights are reserved. No part of this
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or
by any information storage or retrieval system without
written permission from Ginnie
Saunders. To learn more about copyright issues on the web,
visit the Web Law
PO Box 50314
Columbia, SC 29250
(803) 783-3169
