I wouldn't miss Wayne's World for all the herbal tea on Park Ave!!!! Here's my check/money order for $_____ to cover _____ reservations.
Name _______________________________________________
Street _______________________________________________
City ________________________ State ____ ZIP ____________
Home Phone: _________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________
Signature: _________________________________________
Name(s) as you'd like them to appear on your name tag(s):
Please mail your check/money order (payable to Wayne's World 2000) along with this completed form to: Wayne's World 2000
P.O. Box 10825
Rochester, NY 14610-0825
By submitting this form, I give organizers of Wayne's World 2000 permission to publish photos taken of me/us at the event in a "virtual photo album" to be posted on the official Web site (www.ginnie.com/waynesworld2000/). I understand that these images will be available to me and others for viewing and downloading. Proceeds from this event (if any) will benefit local charitable causes.
Wayne's World 2000 ~ PO Box 10825 ~ Rochester, NY 14610-0825