DaDane of DaWeek

 Created: 07/12/09


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— A View from the Rinerhorn —

July 12, 2009 – My trusty and indespensible Apple MacBook Pro laptop computer bit the dust 10 days ago. The screen suddenly went black. It could not be revived and wouldn't you know... my 1 year warranty had just expired. I am putting this page online via another computer, graciously loaned for the purpose. Meanwhile my dead computer is sitting at an Apple repair store in Bremen (just a short train ride away) waiting for a new motherboard. Aack! It should be ready in 2 or 3 days. I can only hope.

I had planned to show you some photos from Switzerland last week. For now I can only offer but one shot. It was taken on the Rinerhorn near Davos. At ~6700 feet we were not so high but the views were pretty spectacular, especially as a snow squall moved in at sunset.

©2002-2008 by Ginnie Saunders. All rights are reserved. No part of this web site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means — electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system — without written permission from Ginnie Saunders. To learn more about copyright issues on the web, visit the Web Law FAQ., Inc.   
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(803) 783-3169   

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