DaDane of DaWeek

 Created: 01/19/09


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January 19, 2009 – Those of you who have followed DaDane of DaWeek for the past 12 years know that I rarely mention politics. My audience (like most people) can at times be opinionated and vocal. Plus, it's been my experience with Dane breeders that they are, by and large, a conservative lot — in contrast to my own more liberal leanings, anyway. As such, I try to keep the peace here by keeping my political opinions to myself.

Today I am making an exception. I want to tell you how pleased and proud I am of the way the American people voted in November's election. When Barack Obama takes office on Tuesday the world will watch as America demonstrates its resilience, diversity, optimism and energy. I am excited about Barack Obama's presidency and I believe he will govern with wisdom and sensitivity. He has the intellect, character and drive to accomplish great things. However, President Obama will need the ongoing support of the American people and no small amount of good luck if he is to be successful in dealing with our most serious challenges. Please join me as I wish him, and our beloved nation, Godspeed.

Barack Obama, we wish you a safe and successful presidency.

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(803) 783-3169   

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