DaDane of DaWeek

 Created: 12/15/08


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— Airborne —

December 15, 2008 — Greetings from San Francisco. We arrived Saturday and so far it has been quite wet. It even hailed today! As such, I haven't attempted (nor have I been tempted) to pull out my camera. I was, however, able to do some shooting from the safety and relative comfort of my window seat during the Atlanta/San Francisco leg of our journey. My husband commented that I should name this installment "Find the Dane" because, according to him, there has to be one down there somewhere. Instead, I think I'll dedicate this week's "show" to Scot and Peg Billings because they refuse to fly. Ever. (Such sensible people.) I can't say I enjoy flying — especially since 911 — but sometimes the view is worth the discomfort. So for all of you who refuse to fly, or hate to fly, here's a little treat:

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

In Flight

For inquiring minds, I began shooting somewhere over Colorado. The photos are in sequence. The last 5 photographs were taken during our approach to San Francisco International Airport. They reveal the colorful commercial salt ponds located along San Francisco Bay's south shoreline. My husband, the all-knowing scientist, tells me that algae, brine shrimp and bacteria are responsible for the gorgeous color shifts. Salinity concentration controls the distribution of those organisms.

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PO Box 50314   
Columbia, SC 29250   
(803) 783-3169   

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