DaDane of DaWeek

 Created: 10/15/07


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October 15, 2007 — Indulge me, please, in a little brag. Okay, maybe it's a BIG brag. Last week one of my photographs won the $6500 Best in Show award at the SC State Fair. That makes me "BIS DaGinnie," right? :-)

At any rate, it certainly makes me proud! The piece, which measures 6 square feet, is actually a composite of 5 photographs taken during our recent trip to Italy. It's pictured above, although at this size you can't see much of the intricate detail.

Building my Resumé
This year I've begun (finally!) submitting my work to juried shows and galleries. (See my Portfolio.) It's been great fun:

Hopefully more successes will folllow as I continue to promote my work.

Next Week at the National
I hope to see many of you at the GDCA National in Lancaster, PA, next week. Please stop by and say hi. I'll be sitting in the front row, camera in hand, probably right next to Zeli Schulte. Photos from ringside will be put online — right here on DaDane of DaWeek — as soon as I can get them up.

©2002-2008 by Ginnie Saunders. All rights are reserved. No part of this web site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means — electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system — without written permission from Ginnie Saunders. To learn more about copyright issues on the web, visit the Web Law FAQ., Inc.   
PO Box 50314   
Columbia, SC 29250   
(803) 783-3169   

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