DaDane of DaWeek

 Created: 07/05/07


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— On the Road Again —

July 5, 2007 — Lucky me! We're back in Italy. My husband is here for business and I am here to shoot. We're currently in Venice, which is new to both of us. I'd say that only God could create a place like Venice, but in fact, man did it himself. Incredible.

Yesterday afternoon I encountered a Great Dane along one of the canals. His owner spoke no English. I handed her a business card and convinced her to allow me to photograph the dog. He wanted no part of it, much to the amusement of the onlookers. I meowed like a cat to get his attention. No reaction, except more laughter from the locals. Obviously, I don't know how to meow in Italian. Either that, or "Luigi" just wanted to give me a hard time. There are plenty of dogs here in Venice. (I've even seen them riding the gondolas.) There are even more pigeons, though. Thousands of them.

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More to follow as time allows...

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