DaDane of DaWeek

 Created: 07/24/06


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10 years, 500 DaDanes

July 24, 2006 – You are looking at the very first DaDane of DaWeek illustration, which was first published on April 29, 1996. What a mess! Fortunately, my skill level has grown significantly over the past decade, along with the weekly audience.

This week marks the 500th DaDane!
I never intended to stay at it for so long – but it's a habit that's hard to break. DaDane of DaWeek was created for one simple reason. I wanted to learn how to use Photoshop. To do that, I needed interesting subject matter along with the motivation to practice my craft on a regular basis. DaDane of DaWeek provided exactly the framework I needed. The rest is history.

Some Statistics
And what a history it's been. I recently reviewed the server logs for this domain, When I looked at the numbers, I almost fell off my chair. Here's what I found:

site stats for

Over 350,000 visitors and over 1.3 million page views during 2005. (Wow!) This calendar year, we're already close to 485,000 visitors with more than 5 months to go. If the current trend holds, the year's audience could swell to 830,000 visitors, with page views in excess of 2.75 million.

Darn, if I only earned a penny for every page view! Instead, I guess I'll have to settle for the satisfaction of knowing that I'm not the only one around who enjoys looking at, and talking about, Great Danes.

Thank you for your loyal patronage.

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PO Box 50314   
Columbia, SC 29250   
(803) 783-3169   

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