DaDane of DaWeek

 Created: 06/13/04


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– Important Notice –

June 13, 2004 – I have, quite literally, "gone to sea" for the summer. My husband accepted a faculty position on this summer's Semester at Sea voyage. He will be the floating university's resident oceanography and geology professor. I am accompanying him. During the coming months our ship, The Explorer, will be making stops in Alaska, Russia, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Taiwan and Japan. At each port, we'll disembark to participate in a variety of field trips.

I am posting this from our hotel room in Portland, Oregon, where we are camped out until we move onto the ship in a few short hours. We expect to have satellite-based internet access aboard the vessel, although it may be somewhat spotty at times. I do plan to continue posting new "DaDanes" every Monday, but the subject matter will likely stray from Great Danes. With camera in hand, I hope to take you with me as we travel the Pacific Rim. Stay tuned for updates.

Next Installment

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