"Pachyderm Puppy "

Alvin was the smartest dog in puppy school. He learned how to sit and heel before any of the others, and he had a large vocabulary. Yet despite his high IQ, all the puppies on the playground referred to him as "Dumbo." Poor Alvin, he just couldn't figure it out.

DaDane of the week is updated with a new illustration and story every Monday.
Great Dane Links
Guess what? The Great Dane Links page has been revamped. It offers over 300 links, sorted by category for easy browsing. Categories include health & welfare, breeding & genetics, clubs & organizations, rescue resources, breeder directory, and personal pet sites. The GD Links page is updated every Monday with new links. This week's update includes 14 new sites. Check it out!
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DaDane Postcards!
There are 70 cards now, including all the most recent DaDane pictures.
Send someone a DaDane postcard. It's virtually free!