DaDane of DaWeek

 Created: 12/03/01


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DaDane of DaWeek

Striking a Pose

December 3, 2001 – Although I placed him in the English countryside, this striking young fellow lives in New Jersey. I met Donny (Ch. Meadowood’s Stayin’ Power) at the GDCA National along with his owner, Robin Mohrmann. Donny achieved his Championship while he was still a puppy. I asked Robin to tell me a little more about him, and she had plenty to say:

"Ch. Meadowood’s Stayin’ Power finished out of the puppy classes. He will probably go out as a Special in January. His show career spoiled me. He was always in the ribbons and took 90% of the sweeps he was in. He finished in about 6 months. At his New Champion show he also took the breed. (He was 15 months then.) He misses the show circuit – he is a born show dog, loves to be in the ring. If I go without him he's beating me to the door...

Donny has spoiled the heck out of me – if ever there was a perfect Dog, it's this one! He has never chewed anything, never had to be crated for any reason... rides in a car for hours and you would never know he's there... waits in the dining room until dinner is over and then comes in the kitchen for his. He sleeps with me in a king-size bed and hogs all the covers with his head on my pillow. He has been known to kick me out of bed, though. He's actually the light of my life. We were at a show once in Pennsylvania and there was a wedding at the hotel where we were staying. The people had their pictures taken with him and then they appeared at his show the next day to cheer him on. Can you tell how much I love this dog? I probably sound like a nut."

Nah, Robin, you don't sound like a nut. You sound like a typical Dane owner!

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