11, 2001 It seems fitting to present a veteran Dane on Veteran's
Day, or maybe that's just an excuse to feature this lovely older
Dane. I don't know who she belongs to. (If anyone can identify her,
please send me a message.)
I took her snapshot at the GDCA National Specialty last month. She
was resting on a blanket during the last hours of the Best of Breed
judging. I was struck by her regal bearing.

is the original photo (left) that I worked from. It was taken with
a Nikon 990 digital camera. I didn't use a flash so the resulting
photo is a bit grainy and it's definitely too murky. In order to
transform the snapshot into a portrait, I fired up Adobe Photoshop
6.0 and got to work. I carefully erased the background and adjusted
the overall contrast and colors. The eyes lacked definition so I
painted in details around the lids and then I put "the glimmer"
back in her eyes. Her right ear was not as upright as her left ear,
so I adjusted the angle. (In retrospect, not quite enough.) Her
collar distracted from her sculptural form so I got rid of it. Once
I was satisfied with the retouching, I began searching for a nice
background that would compliment the study. I own a huge photo CD
collection of licensed stock photos (about 60,000 in all) so it
was just a matter of trial and error until I found something that
captured the feeling I was after. The sky was too white so I added
a blue tint. I also darkened the area immediately behind the dog
in order make her stand out better. Voila! Mission accomplished.
I hope you've enjoyed the explanation.
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