24, 2000 This week's portrait is in response to several requests
for an uncropped brindle. Meet two-year-old Grendel. She lives in
Houston, Texas, with owners Zeli and Bret Schulte. Grendel shares
their affection with two other uncropped Danes, Circe and puppy
Grimm. Circe, a black, appears in the DaDane portrait titled Danehenge.
Grimm, also black, is a recent addition to Grendel's family.

to Zeli, life in the Schulte household is anything but dull. "After
living with Grendel, we soon found there was a reason she was born
with 'racing stripes.' She has always been high energy. Her usual
antics include running with toys in her mouth, leaping in the air
with our other Danes and hopping from front paw to front paw,"
says Zeli.

"Grendel was one of only two puppies in her litter that remained
uncropped. According to Ruth Kaufman, her breeder, Grendel is the
first puppy in the Waldenthree line to be shown with natural ears.
In 1997, at 8 weeks of age, Grendel became one of the winners of
DaneWorld Magazine's contest for 'Most Beautiful Great Dane Heads
in the World.' She was also featured in DaneWorld's 1998 calendar
as the June cover puppy. Later in the year, Grendel placed 4th out
of a class of nine bitches at the GDCA National Specialty in Fort
Worth, Texas, in the Open Brindle Bitch class at the tender age
of 16 months!"

It's obvious that Zeli is proud of Grendel and her accomplishments.
As well she should be!

Last week's "DaDane" featured an unusual coat color known
as Fawnequin. Judging by my email,
the portrait was very well-received. I was pleased that so many
people were interested in seeing Jake with his mismarked coat. Jake's
page remained active for an extra week because I was traveling and
unable to update DaDane of DaWeek with a new illustration. (Sorry
about that!) It turns out that the background used in this week's
DaDane the seascape behind Grendel was taken with
my new digital camera while I was vacationing last week. Those of
you familiar with the Monterey Bay area of California might recognize
the beach at the end of Ocean Avenue in Carmel.
by Ginnie Saunders. All rights are reserved. No part of this web
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Saunders. To learn more about copyright issues on the web,
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