"Summer Vacation"
Mystique starts her summer vacation... in style!
Barb Podger gets full credit for the outfit.
Select a title from the DaDane archives...
June 2010
-Xiamen, China, Part 2
May 2010
-Xiamen, China, Part 1
March 2010
-Jerusalem and Beyond, Part 2
-Dead Sea, Israel, Part 1
-Jerusalem and Beyond, Part 1
February 2010
-Magilla Gorilla
-Views of Munich
-Shanghai Spaniel
January 2010
-Quake, at Rest
-Bavarian Bachelorette Party
December 2009
-Merry Christmas!
October/November 2009
-Views of Barcelona
-Barcelona's Aquarium
September 2009
-Nice, France
-Tallinn, Estonia
-Anna, in Finland
August 2009
-"Venice" in Marburg
-Finland and Beyond
July 2009
-Back Online; Swiss Alps
-A View from the Rinerhorn
June 2009
-Visiting Zurich
-A Great Dane in Zurich
-Moving Along
-Filter Fun
-Our Resident Hedgehog
April & May 2009
-Greetings from Germany
-Space Mountain Bacterium
-Back from Shanghai
March 2009
-Third Week in Shanghai
-Another Week in Shanghai
-Good Morning from Shanghai
-Enzo and Ellie
January 2009
-Cardinal Series
-New Presidency
-Farewell to Boo-Boo
December 2008
-Stepping Out
October/November 2008
-New Work
-La Boqueria
-VIsions & Dreams
September 2008
-Venice Montage
-New Work
August 2008
-A Visit to Celle
-August in Berlin
-To Berlin, and Back
July 2008
-Children of Hahvaykah
June 2008
-Charming Charm
-Harle Kitsch-ens, revisited
-Living in Germany
-On the Road Again
May 2008
-In Memoriam
-Pimobendan for DCM
April 2008
-DCM Support Group
-Venice in April
March 2008
-Best of Breed, Dogs, Candids
-Best of Breed, Dogs, Group 6
-Best of Breed, Dogs, Group 5
-Alive and Well
February 2008
-Windy Hill's The Archangel
-Tiger Does Hollywood
-"Tiger" Johnson
-Best of Breed, Dogs, Group 4
January 2008
-Best of Breed, Dogs, Group 3
-Best of Breed, Dogs, Group 2
-Best of Breed, Dogs, Group 1
-A New Year Begins
-Happy New Year
December 2007
-Merry Christmas
-Predator Update
-Coyote Carnage
November 2007
-Award Winning DaDane
-Regular Classes IV
-Regular Classes III
-Regular Classes II
October 2007
-Regular Classes I
-Top 20
-2007 Best in Futurity
-Best in Show!
September 2007
-"High Four" Dedication
August 2007
-Mystery Mantle
July 2007
-Venice, Italy
-On the Road Again
June 2007
-Process of Elimination
-Exploring Prague, Part 2
-Exploring Prague, Part 1
May 2007
-Vienna: Spanish Riding School
-The Mad Hatters
-Brookgreen Gardens, Part 4
April 2007
-Brookgreen Gardens, Part 3
-Brookgreen Gardens, Part 2
-Brookgreen Gardens, Part 1
-Hemangiosarcoma, Part 5
-Hemangiosarcoma, Part 4
March 2007
-Hemangiosarcoma, Part 3
-Hemangiosarcoma, Part 2
-Challangers China Moon
February 2007
-Hemangiosarcoma, Part 1
-Farewell to Grendel
-Head Study
-Farewell to Elmer
January 2007
-Top 20, Part 4
-Top 20, Part 3
-Top 20, Part 2
-Italy, Part 3
-Happy New Year
December 2006
-Merry Christmas
-Italy, Part 2
November 2006
-Greetings from Italy
-Happy Thanksgiving
-2006 Top Twenty Invitational
-Louise Peterson, National Photos
October 2006
-2006 GDCA National
-Eureka, We're in Topeka!
-Best of Breed, Part 4
-Best of Breed, Part 3
September 2006
-Best of Breed, Part 2
-Best of Breed, Part 1
-Great Dane Haiku, II
-Great Dane Haiku
August 2006
-One Door Closes, Another Opens
-The Ava Invasion
-Ace of Hearts
-Just Whisper
July 2006
-Gator Bait?
-Looking Back
-Conformation, Part 6
-Conformation, Part 5
-Fourth of July
June 2006
-Farewell to Fanny
-Great Dane Room Gathering
-Conformation, Part 4
-Conformation, Part 3
May 2006
-"Hell on Wheels"
-Conformation, Part 2
-Conformation, Part 1
April 2006
-Enough, Already!
-A Most Excellent Adventure
-Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
March 2006
-Unforgettable Moments
-Everyone Loves a Parade
-Hawaiian Botanicals
-Maui Discovered
February 2006
-Gone to Maui
-Futurity, Final, Part 6
-Futurity, Part 5
-Futurity, Part 4
January 2006
-Newton and Merlen
-Futurity, Part 3
-Futurity, Part 2
-Futurity, Part 1
-Happy New Year
December 2005
-Merry Christmas!
-Obedience, Rally and Agility
-Agility, Part 2
November 2005
-Agility, Part 1
-Best of Winners
-Top Twenty, Part 3
-Top Twenty, Part 2
October 2005
-Top Twenty, Part 1
-2005 National Photos
-At the 2005 GDCA National
-Penelope's Portrait
-2005 GDCA National
September 2005
-Hurricane Dane
-Rokadanes Vanessa
-Hurricane Relief for Pets
-Dog Days
August 2005
-Market Day in Aix
-Provence, France
-Head Study
-Sam's Journey, Part 3
July 2005
-Sam's Journey, Part 2
-Sam's Journey, Part 1
-Hector, A Follow-up
-Hector, Revisited
June 2005
-Dazed by the Daylilies
-Home from Paris
-More from Paris
-Greetings from Paris
May 2005
-The Zebra Dane
April 2005
-Laurs Lady Grace
-Remember Murphy?
-Exotic beast, India
-Homeward Bound
March 2005
-More from India
-Greetings from India
-India, here we come!
February 2005
-VZTops Ivey V SeventhHeaven
-Greenville Dog Show
-Meet Big Red
-Coral Loves Barclay
January 2005
-Of Mice and Men
-Thank You!
-Dead Dogs Don't Cry
-Important News
December 2004
-Merry Christmas
-Happy Birthday, Merlin!
-Farewell to Sunny & Deke
November 2004
-Of Danes and Cows
-Home Alone
-Gala at Owlwatch
-VZTop Amber N Onyx
-Don Pepe Segundo
October 2004
-2004 National Specialty
-The Apollo of Dogs
September 2004
-We're Home!
August 2004
-Vietnam 3
-Vietnam 2
-Vietnam 1
July 2004
-Hong Kong
June 2004
-American Bald Eagle
-Semester At Sea
-Important Notice
-Gone, but Not Forgotten
May 2004
-It's Snack Time
-I'm One Month Old!
-Got Milk?
-Pugnacious Puppies
April 2004
-Feldmarschall Rommel
-Bob Dylan, DaBlues & Toad Night
-Sketch of Thor
March 2004
-Luna's New Life
-And Who Are You?
-Jumping Diva
-Strange ApPEARances
February 2004
-Uncle Bart
-The First NOEL
-Carolina Ice Storm, 2
-Carolina Ice Storm, 1
January 2004
-Jackie and Luna
-Daneridge's Penelope Steele
-Sheva, an Obedience Dane
-Shall We Dance?
December 2003
-Happy New Year!
-Merry Christmas!
-Their Very First Christmas
-Portrait in Black and White
-Gorgeous George
November 2003
-Addison's Disease in Danes
-Canine Addison's Disease
-White Puppy
October 2003
-2003 GDCA National
-Digital Montage
-Two for One
September 2003
-Portrait in Black
-Bella and the Bug
-High Four
-Tess, Revisited
-Labor Day Dane
August 2003
July 2003
-Houston Slide Show
-Holding Down the Fort
-Peyton's Place
June 2003
-Fear factor
-Bad Nelson!
-Bloat: Beating the Odds
-What is GDV?
May 2003
-Gambler's Journey
-Gaysie Mae
-Puppy Study
April 2003
-I See Spots!
-Bunny Ears
-Bufo occiput
-Toad Night
March 2003
-Bufo terrestris
-Cygnus dadaneias
-Merlin, My Protector
-Portrait of Deity
-Da Llama
February 2003
-Portrait of Krueger
-Ingrid's Birthday
-Portrait of Electra
-Caesar Revisited
-Space Shuttle Columbia
January 2003
-High Four!
-Old Friends
-Puppy Pics!
-Farewell to Hamlet
December 2002
-Happy New Year!
-Merry Christmas
-Not all Grinches are Green
-The 2002 Eu-DDC Champion
-Euro Dane, Euro Dog, Part 2
November 2002
-The Cheetah Dane
October 2002
-We're Back!
-Candid Camera
-It's Show Time!
September 2002
-Calling All Angels
-Wheezie's Walkies
-Wide-Eyed Innocence
-September 11, 2001
-Ophie's Field of Dreams
August 2002
-Double Trouble
-Rogue's Gallery
-Bring in the Clowns
July 2002
-Farewell to Doogan
-Couch Potatoes
-DCM is Not a 4-Letter Word
-DCM in the Great Dane
-Broken Hearts, Broken Dreams
June 2002
-Gone in a Phlash
-Play Ball
-Farmer Dane
-Lost in Space
May 2002
-Memorial Day, 2002
-In Dog We Trust
-Ch. Rokadanes Quincy
-Tongue Twister
April 2002
-Teacup Dane
-Triple Portrait of Dusty
-What our Dogs use for Money
-Black Velvet
-Operation Hoover
March 2002
-1040 Dog Tax Form
-Brindle "Stripe" Tease
-The Gardener's Handy Helper Tool
-Onyx Brindle
February 2002
-What's in a Name?
-Blue Eyes, Stormy Skies
-Blue Eyes, Blue Skies
-Jabber's Health Problems
January 2002
-He's Running Free
-Westminster, here we come!!
-Year in Review
December 2001
-The Real Rudolph
-Oh, Christmas Tree!
-Patriotic Postage Stamps
-Striking a Pose
November 2001
-Click on Rudolph's Nose!
-Profile of a Brindle
-Veteran's Day Dane
-Always Waiting, Always Watching
October 2001
-Lady Liberty
-The Party's Over!
-2001 GDCA National
-Standing Proud
-It's Showtime!
September 2001
-September 11, 2001
-Unexpected Side Effect
-Farewell to Summer
August 2001
-Meet Dik, from Slovenia
-Gorgeous George
-Fish Story
-Happy News!
July 2001
-He Dodged Another Bullet
-He's Hanging in There!
-In Memory of Denali
-How Now, Harle Cow?
-Independence Day Danes
June 2001
-Titan found his home...
-Stranger in a Strange Land
-Jabber's New Boots
-Farewell, DaHumph
May 2001
-The Gardener's Handy Helper Tool
-May Flowers
-Frog Face
-Mr. Big Is Back!
April 2001
-Home Sweet Home
-Jabber Is Home
-Easter Dane
-Canine Tax Return
-Unwanted Guests
March 2001
-Another Pretty Face
-Three Surgeries in Two Weeks
-Unexpected Complications
-Home Alone
February 2001
-My Gentle Mantle
-Triple Treasure, Double Portrait
-The Lost Valentine
-New Year Resolutions for Dane Owners
January 2001
-Unjustly Accused
-Pajama Party
-Farewell, Sweet Petunia...
-New Year Resolutions
December 2000
-Merry Christmas!
-Their Very First Christmas
-Not all Grinches are Green
-What a Guy!
November 2000
-Click On Rudolph's Nose
-Thanksgiving Turkeys
October 2000
-It's HOWL-oween!
-Best In Futurity
-What a Yawn
-It's Showtime!
September 2000
-Lean On Me
-Going for the Gold
-It's all relative
-Labor Day Dane
August 2000
-I'm so Blue, Waiting for You
-Take Me Home
-Gefleckte Doggen
July 2000
-Endangered Species?
-Voted Out!!!
-Big Bully Swan
-Kaleidoscope Dane
-Happy Fourth!
June 2000
-Sleep Show
-A "Jowly" Pair
-Pleased to meet you...
-Treasure Hunt
May 2000
-Eine Blaue Deutsche Dogge
-Strangers in the Night
-Frog Nose
-The Patriot
April 2000
-Funny Bunny
-Arizona Desert Dogs
-Where's the beef?!
-Spring has arrived!
March 2000
-Double Portrait of Gambler
-Elmer's Story
-1040-DOG Tax Return
-The Nose Knows
February 2000
-The March of Time
-Presidents' Day
-The Stowaway
-It's a long story
January 2000
-Eeenie, meeenie...
-A Natural Beauty
-A Fawnequin named Jake
-Model of Nobility
December 1999
-The Real Rudolph
-Visiting Santa
-A Boston by any other name...
November 1999
-Double Portrait of Rosa
-Thanksgiving Turkeys
-Almost a Pupsickle
-Sleep without Dreams
October 1999
-Brindle Portrait
-Happy Halloween
-It's Showtime!
September 1999
-Teacup Dane
-In Memoriam
-Creation Story
August 1999
-DaDane T-shirts
-Crop Failures
-Sunset Colony
-We're not in Kansas
July 1999
-Apollo 11
-Camera Shy
June 1999
-Kaleidoscope Hound
-Where's Leon?
-The Last Straw
-DaneFest '99
May 1999
-Leon's Story, Part 3
-Leon's Story, Part 2
-Leon Redbone
April 1999
-In Memoriam
-Guardane Angel
-Dangerous Weather
-The Easter Dane
March 1999
-The Magical Merle
-Iditarod / Idanerod
-The Birth of Venus
-1040-DOG Tax Return
February 1999
-Pyramid Scheme
-President's Day
-Kissin' Cousins
January 1999
-Brindles Are Beautiful
-The Gentle Giant
-Snow Baby
December 1998
-Merry Christmas!
-Happy HoliDanes
-Oh, Christmas Tree!
November 1998
-Click Rudolph's Nose
-Thanksgiving Study
-Beauty & The Beast
-Birdhouse Buddy
October 1998
-Trick or Treat
-Snacking on No-No's
-The Winners
-The BIG Show, 1998
September 1998
-1998 GDCA National
-Double Take
-Labor Day Dane
August 1998
-Hurricane Warning
-Couch Potatoes
-Quotable Quips
-Checklist Update
-Natural Choice
July 1998
-Zoot Suit
-Hot Dogs
-Harle Kitsch-ens
-Unexpected Side Effect
June 1998
-Tick fever
-Merlin's Summer Vacation
-Love Sick
May 1998
-Frog Face
-Pachyderm Puppy
-Fish Story
-Rabid Raccoon?
April 1998
-Mother's Day
-Easter Bunny
March 1998
-Spring Cleaning
-Big Night Out
-Monkeying Around
-El Niño
February 1998
-Vada's Valhalla
-Presidents Day
-The Squirrel
-Mrs. Willy
January 1998
-Willy's Woes
-Gulliver's Travels
-Rise & Shine
-Fresh New Year
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©1997 by Ginnie Saunders
URL: http://www.ginnie.com
PO Box 50314, Columbia, SC 29250
(803) 783-3169