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 Created: 12/24/09


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M E R R Y    C H R I S T M A S !

T'was the night before Christmas, and all through the house
The puppies were squeaking an old rubber mouse.

The stockings that hung in a nice straight row,
Were now crooked with holes chewed through each little toe.

The wreath that had merrily hung on the door
Was scattered in pieces all over the floor.

The tree was subjected to bright-eyed whims,
And now, though still splendid, it's missing some limbs.

I catch them and hold them. "Be good", I insist.
They lick me, then run off to see what they've missed.

And now as I watch them, the thought comes to me,
That their's is the spirit that Christmas should be.

Can children and puppies yet show us the way,
And teach us the joy that should come with this day?

Could they bring us a message that's written above
And tell us that, most of all, Christmas is LOVE?


©2002-2008 by Ginnie Saunders. All rights are reserved. No part of this web site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means — electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system — without written permission from Ginnie Saunders. To learn more about copyright issues on the web, visit the Web Law FAQ., Inc.   
PO Box 50314   
Columbia, SC 29250   
(803) 783-3169   

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