DaDane of DaWeek

 Created: 03/01/04


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– Strange ApPEARances –

March 1, 2004 – Four weeks ago I joined a gym and began a cardiac fitness and weight training program. I thought things were going pretty well until I injured my right shoulder's rotator cuff a couple of days ago. Until last Friday I didn't even know I had a rotator cuff, let alone two of them. Rotator cuffs keep a fairly low profile. They do their job very efficiently and quietly – until you hurt them. They don't like to be hurt. And since misery loves company, an injured rotator cuff will make you quite miserable, especially at night when you are trying to sleep.

Why am I telling you all this? It should be obvious. I'm trying to explain why you are getting PEARS this week instead of DANES. My shoulder injury prevented me from doing much computer work over the weekend, so I wasn't able to create a new DaDane portrait/story. Instead, I decided to substitute some pears. I am working on a "pear series" for my own amusement. Yeah, I know they are a little weird. In fact, the images might make some people a bit uncomfortable, but not nearly as uncomfortable as a torn rotator cuff. Of that I am sure.

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